Life of Jesus Wall Chart
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Children love this bestselling wall chart of The Life of Jesus. The laminated chart presents 25 of the major events in Jesus'life through colorful illustrations and Scriptures that support the image. The Life of Jesus presents Jesus'birth; his visit to the Temple as a child; his baptism, the calling of the disciples; the crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and more. The chart may be cut into strips and placed end to end to create a pictorial time line.
The Life of Jesus children's poster displays the "greatest story ever told" at a child's level. In 25 illustrations and Scripture verses, Jesus' life becomes more real to children. Here are some examples of illustrations and their Scripture verses:
- Jesus Feeds 5000—Jesus feeds 5000 people with one boy's five loaves and two fish (Matthew 14: 13-21; Mark 6: 30-44). Then he leaves the crowd and goes up to a mountainside to pray (Mark 6:46).
- Jesus Rises from the Dead—An angel appears to Mary Magdalene. Jesus meets with the women, Peter, Thomas, disciples. Tells the apoostles to teach and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit (Matthew 28).
The Life of Jesus poster is a lesson in a chart! Whether you leave it as a chart, or cut it into a pictorial time-line, children will spend hours looking at the illustrations from the life and ministry of Jesus. Teachers love how the chart is ready to teach.
The 25 illustrations represent these events from Jesus' life:
- Birth
- Childhood
- Baptism
- First Miracle
- Calls Disciples
- Heals and Forgives Sin
- Sermon on the Mount
- Miracles on the Sea
- Feeds 5000
- Transfiguration
- Teaches; Heals Blind
- Parables (Good Samaritan and Prodigal Son)
- Prays (Teaches others to pray)
- Raises the Dead
- Heals 10 Lepers
- Blesses Children
- Palm Sunday
- Clears the Temple
- Last Supper
- Prays; Is Betrayed
- Suffers
- Dies on the Cross
- Rises from the Dead
- He Lives
- Ascends to Heaven